Monday 19 April 2010

I'm Back....

I have finally braved my way back to this blog after a long trip to Wonderland. Looking back at this blog, I do think it needs a  facelift. I wish that it was a little crazy and random from the beginning. But I guess it's never too late to add some fun, to be silly and stupid to shake things up and sustain that creative juice inside my aging skull. After all, I don't blog for medal or anything. So why be serious and so appropriate? Why do I really have to think what the hell to blog next? So here's the deal. That durian must go. It's not safe to play with spiky stuff and it's so uncool to snack on smelly thing. So I decide to discontinue the durian campaign. Working in a happy place that produces chocolate and chewing gum , I guess I should promote playground instead, where I can be happy jumping around and blogging along the way. So it's.......

 Jumper's Playground!

I believe there is still plenty of time to play, amazing toys to grab and dream about and awesome playmates to play with. Generally, this blog is meant to be a happy playground, but then again, life it's not all about laughter and good times. Even without much care in the world, kids cry in the playground. Some day we have to play alone and be that lonely kid trying to figure how to get amused on the see-saw by himself. Some day we get bullied by pushing a**holes and some day we become that bullying bull. So this is my playground. It's a moveable playground from Dubai to Disneyland and anywhere in between and you are always welcomed. 

This is me, 3 years to reach 40, in the dreamland of Dubai

The girl can be such a cry baby and the boy can be so noisy and pushy, but they are my best playmates

Me and my best toy, Lucky


Azmir Ismail said...

yo welcome back ;-) new name and new outlook eh.. been wondering what you were doing :D ... oklah, time to jump around :)

niQue_naQ said...

hey, good to have u back :)

[danial][ma] said...

hej! JUmper...nice playground...;-)

Jumper said...

Thank you Pet.

Thank you niQ.

Thank you Dan.

You guys are great pals...

Syamsulfaiz said...

The last pic is cool. I should do something like that.

Jumper said...

The next time I meet you, I'll get my Nikon and the tripod to shoot your moment with your Nitro. I'd prefer to have it by the beach, close to sunset... So get ready..